
Thursday, 9 February 2017

Minor Crimes in Ireland

According to the C.S.O. (Central Statistics Office), by far the most common minor crime in Ireland is theft. The breakdown of where theft is most common is quite interesting.

*This Post does not talk about:*
 Sexual offences, Homicide, Negligent Acts, Robbery/Extortion, Weapons/Explosives Offences, Fraud, or Kidnapping. 
*I have determined these to be major (and therefore more exciting) crimes*

In the west of Ireland, Theft is the most common crime, with over 3,00 instances in 2016, followed by public order and social misconduct with around 2,800 instances in 2016. the least common crime was Controlled Drug Offences, with around 800 instances in 2016.

In the south of Ireland, theft was again the most common crime, with around 6,000 instances in 2016, followed by Public order and social misconduct, with 2,400 instances in 2016. Controlled Drug Offences was the least common, with around 600 instances.

In the North, theft had the highest recorded incidents in 2016 with 3,000, and Public order and social code offences was next, with around 2,500 incidents. Last was controlled drug offences again, with around 700 offences in 2016

In Dublin, theft was of course number one, at around 24,500 recorded offences. The next one along was not public disorder and social misconduct (that was a close third), but Damage to Property and the Environment, which was at 6,500 instances in 2016. Attempts/threat to cause Murder/Assault/Harrasment etc was last, with 3,800 recorded instances.

For more Statistics like these, visit the CSO website at

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